Hello! I'm a dinosaur whose name is Fred. I hope you enjoy my blog! I think it's pretty good, for an extinct species. It's about Internet piracy, because I, as a dinosaur, am quite interested in this uniquely mammalian issue.
The Internet struggles constantly torn between a capitalist, profit-driven mindset and a decentralized, free-exchange-based structure. Nowhere is this antagonism displayed more plainly than in the ongoing debate over Internet piracy. Should media be free to share between all, or should profits and capital gain drive and motivate the distribution of media? Are artists hurt by illegal downloading? What kind of opinions or perceptions do people have about internet piracy? I hope to touch on some or all of these questions over the course of my blog, before its untimely extinction by meteor.
Hiiiiiii FRED! My name is Baby Bop and I think that media should be free! Made by the people for the people!